Who we are…

We are Vision. We are Impact. We are people united in our belief that our involvement changes lives worldwide. We are a cross-cultural, cross generational movement that mobilizes the Church of the Nazarene in missions.


  1. Praying - Prayer is the lifeblood of ALL that we do.

  2. World Evangelism Fund - WEF is the key to the fulfillment of our mission. The purpose of WEF is to sustain valuable ministries through consistent mission funding. Each church is asked to give at least 5.5% of the income to WEF.

  3. Alabaster - All contributions to Alabaster are used to construct churches, clinics, schools, parsonages, district centers, and to purchase land. No funds are used for adminstrative costs.

  4. Engage Children and Youth - NMI encourages all churches to involve children and youth in all missions endeavors and to nurture them as they seek to respond to His call.

  5. Care and Connections - This connects Nazarene missionaries and Nazarene churches through prayer, personal contact and generous giving. This gives each church an opportunity to beocme personally connected wih a missionary fmaily. Our Links missionaries need us. We are their extended family.

We want our next generation to have more passion than we do and to embrace God’s work in our local communities as well as in our world with an enthusiasm that surpasses our own. WE MUST engage them, empower them, equip them, expose them, encourage them, and excite them as it relates to missions.

--Christy (Boes) Eubanks, SWID NMI President